About us

As a business training service provider, we at LINKINGBIRDS see it as our mission to connect experts in the context of employee training and development. For 20 years, we have successfully supported our customers worldwide in successfully implementing training projects.

With our international network of trainers, coaches, consultants & service providers  such as printers, translators and graphic agencies, we make it possible to realise projects on site and  immediately. Whenever possible, we use local trainers and  service providers to  contribute to a more sustainable use of resources.

By 2027, we want LINKINGBIRDS to become one of the leading international expert networks in the field of business training. As early as 2025, LINKINGBIRDS is expected to be one of the best-known networks in Europe. We place the attentive and appreciative exchange and an absolute reliability  just as much in the foreground of our work as we do the responsible treatment of our nature and resources.

Our vision

Our Milestones

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